Extract sounding data

extract sounding data by point
ID Title Data type Description
model Model string RDPS, GDPS or HRDPS.
model_run Model run string Model run in %Y-%m-%dTH:M:SZ format.
forecast_hour Forecast hour string Forecast hour in XXX format.
lat Latitude float Latitude in wgs84.
lon Longitude float Longitude in wgs84.
convection_indices Return convection indices. bool [OPTIONAL: default is True] Set it to False if you won't be using convection indices' values so that the process takes less time to complete.
temperature_data Return temperature and dewpoint sounding data. bool [OPTIONAL: default is True] Set it to False if you won't be using temperature or dewpoint temperature/depression so that the process takes less time to complete.
wind_data Return wind sounding data. bool [OPTIONAL: default is True] Set it to False if you won't be using wind speed or wind direction so that the process takes less time to complete.
novalues_above_100mbar Discard values above 100mbar. bool [OPTIONAL: default is False] Set it to True if values for pressure levels above 100mbar are not going to be used so that the process takes less time to complete.
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