Annual Maximum and Minimum Daily Water Level or Flow

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02QA036.2... 02QA036 2007-09-09
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2010-08-25
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2011-08-27
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2012-09-12
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2013-09-10
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2014-07-26
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2015-04-03 Ice Conditions
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2016-10-18
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2018-09-17
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2019-09-03
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2020-08-17
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2021-09-05
02QA036.2... 02QA036 2022-09-16
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